Paper Heart is a romantic comedy disguised as a documentary. Charlyne Yi, played by Charlyne Yi, is on a quest to discover what love really means to her. Along her journey she starts a relationship with Michael Cera, played by (get this) Michael Cera. In doing my research for this film I discovered that in the years leading up to this film these actors were in a real relationship.
There are really no characters or performances to speak of, because everyone is playing themselves. Charlyne Yi and Michael Cera are both likable enough characters/actors and have an obvious chemistry, due to their real life relationship. The only real source of conflict in the film is the difficulties the new couple faced in trying to develop a relationship while being on camera.
This film is truly a case of art imitating life. It parallels the couple’s real life problems, which is trying to be a couple in the public. I get what they are trying to say about being young and famous. The issue to me is that it almost comes off as criticizing the audience for being enthralled with celebrity’s personal lives. To those who watch Paper Heart and don’t get this message, the movie will merely come off as boring and pointless. Either way you should just pass.
My rating 1.5 out of 5
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